CheapVPSList.com was created to build a repository of virtual private server offers that is easy to search, navigate, and kept up to date. Each offer is checked daily to ensure only the latest offers are displayed. New deals are added on a daily basis. You can recieve the latest offers by following us on Twitter, subscribing to our Reddit, or our RSS feed, or in a weekly digest by subscribing to the Cheap VPS List newsletter.
The native price is the price and currency listed on the VPS website. CheapVPSList.com uses open exchange rates to convert the native price into the chosen currency (USD by default). Exchange rates are updaded hourly.
VPS offers are being added and updated constantly. If you would like to share an offer that is $5 USD per month or less please send it to me.
If you notice something mislabeled please let me know.
Things used to build Cheap VPS List: Bootstrap, Bootstrap Table, open exchange rates, Flag Icons, ApiFlash.com